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Landlord and Tenants should consider that the inspection can be a good opportunity for concerns to be raised. Whilst tenants can receive validation for looking after their rental home.
Landlords/Agents can use the opportunity to check on the condition and upkeep of the property. Realising the benefits of inspections can take some of the stress away.
Preparing for an inspection
A great place to start is the inventory provided at the start of the tenancy. This is a good reminder of the original condition of the property at the start of the tenancy and how the property is expected to be. If there are any maintenance issues, then a tenant is expected to flag them up to Brunt and Fussell as the managing agent who then will determine who's responsible for the fix ( the Tenant or Landlord). This eliminates any surprises at inspection time.
Landlords expect a clean property throughout, paying particular attention to the cleanliness and the condition of the kitchens and bathrooms not forgetting the condition of the carpets and gardens. A thorough clean will ensure that tenants get a pass at inspection time. Once everyone knows what is expected of them at inspection time this should take some of the stress away.
Brunt and Fussell in turn and in addition will check the following:
- Observe all doors and windows are in good order and fit for purpose.
- Check for cleanliness and tidiness of the home and gardens.
- Check for any visible signs of leaky taps and pipes.
- Examine the condition of weatherboards, bricks or tiles for signs of wear and tear and deterioration.
- Observe areas of the house for indicators of dampness and rot.By following this guide we can ensure that a Tenant lives in a home fit for habitation and the Landlord is reassured that his property is being looked after and is in safe hands
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Brunt and Fussell is a locally run estate agency here in Bristol. We deeply care about the community. We wouldn’t be able to sell houses here if we didn’t.
As many households are looking for ways to save money this winter, we’ve put together a helpful guide on how meal planning is a great way to do just that.
Why You Should Meal Plan
Meal planning has a lot of amazing benefits. As many of us are trying to save money over the next few months, meal planning is also a great way to achieve that.
When you meal plan you can plan specifically what food items you need to get from the shop, so you’re not overspending or throwing away food that goes bad. It also means you can buy and cook in bulk, which is a way to buy fewer items.
If you have a crazy schedule, it also ensures that you’re eating well-balanced meals despite the chaos. You don’t have to think about what’s for dinner, which takes a massive mental load of your week. There is also less energy involved because you’re not cooking and cleaning up each night.
How To Get Started Meal Prepping
First, start by writing out all the meals that your household loves to eat.
You can go through it in several ways.
Cuisine: Italian, Thai, Indian, Brazilian, or Chinese
Family recipes: Pot roast, bangers and mash, or curry
Prep ahead meals: Slow cooker meals or leftovers
Quick and easy meals: Sandwiches, pasta, or burgersYou don’t have to stick to these meals every single week.
Second, Schedule Meals to Specific Days
Every household is different. Some people want to know what each day will be, and if they can make it ahead.
But when you’re planning, consider what events are coming up.
Do you have date nights, dinner with guests over, sleepovers, or birthdays?
Sync your meal plan up to your iCal or Google Calendar to easily see what meals might need to be changed depending on events or changes.
Our Favourite Budget Friendly Meals
- Spaghetti and meatballs are an all-time classic on a budget meal. Most people can enjoy this meal, especially the youngsters.
- Lentil curry in a slow cooker is a quick, reliable, easy meal to make that is incredibly affordable. This one might not be for the picky eaters, but it works if you’re trying to cut out meat.
- Viral Feta Pasta Bake was super popular during the lockdown, but it’s still a great quick, cheap meal. Try substituting the feta for goat cheese.
- Pork Goulash is a delicious stew that will warm you to your bones, and you can make a heaping portion to last you a few extra meals.
- Broccoli Cheddar Soup is an incredibly filling soup that is extra delicious with some sourdough on the side or even a bread bowl.
- Jacket potatoes are simple, easy and incredibly versatile. You can top them with bacon and sour cream, chilli, curry, or mince beef.
- Bean Burgers are a great way to sneak extra veggies in, whether you make your own or buy them in the frozen section.
- Breakfast for dinner is a fun way to shake up the week. Kids love a fry-up with pancakes, waffles, and bacon on Tuesday night.
- Roasted root vegetable salads are a wonderful way to get all your nutrients, eat locally, and warm up your plate.
- Fish fingers and chips might be a timeless meal, but you don’t have to be a Michelin-star chef to meal plan.
Follow Your Plan. But Be Flexible.
A plan is a plan. It isn’t the end all be all. It isn’t written in stone.
There are many days after work, you might just want to grab a quick takeaway, and rather than throwing the whole plan out the window, you can just realign it for the week.
This is meant to help you, not stress you out because things got a little off track.
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As energy prices rise, inflation increases, and the winter months roll in, many of us are feeling the tightening of our pocketbooks. Or worse, we’re fearful about staying warm this winter.
Here at our favourite Bristol estate agency, Brunt and Fussell, we wanted to take the time to put together a list of our favourite ways to be frugal to ensure you stay warm this year. Whether you’re a homeowner, tenant, or landlord, we want everyone to stay warm and save money.
Use a Hot Water Bottle Or Electric Blanket
Rather than turning the heat on, which many of us are fearful to do this year, use a hot water bottle. You can even buy hot water bottles for your feet these days! Another option is to use an electric blanket, while this is still using electricity, it’s significantly less costly but will keep you incredibly warm and toasty.
Get Moving
When you’re feeling cold, warm yourself by moving around. Kill two birds with one stone by doing some chores around the house to warm up as well. Do the dishes, fold laundry, dust, hoover, mop, and get the blood flowing to keep you warm.
Layer Up The House
During winter, a lot of people mention wearing layers. You should wear a shirt, a cardigan, a jumper, and a jacket.
But what about layering your house up?
Have extra throw blankets around the sofa or your work-from-home desk.
Load the bed up with extra duvets and thick blankets.
Buy some simple rugs to throw down on the floors you’re standing on regularly like in the kitchen or under your desk.
Purchase A Dehumidifier
If your home is cold and damp, purchasing a dehumidifier is a great way to dry out your home which will lead to a warmer home. Dehumidifiers aren’t as costly as space heaters or turning your radiators on, but you can make your home just as warm with them.
Dehumidifiers are especially helpful for people who dry their clothes inside at home.
Wear House Shoes
Wearing house shoes is a effective way to keep your body warm, but also protect your feet from the chilly floors.
Use The Windows Effectively
When the sun is shining, open your curtains to let all that warm golden light flood into your house. Before the sunsets, close them again to trap that warmth in.
Ensure you’re using thermal curtains to keep the cold out and the warm in.
If you have older windows that are not double-glazed, you can easily seal them as a great way to keep your home insulated.
Rearrange The House
If you find that your bed, sofa, and desk are pushed against exterior walls, it might be a good idea to rearrange them away from those walls. If you’re spending a lot of time in these areas, get away from the cold, and damp and closer to the interior walls to stay warmer.
If You Turn The Heating On…
If you turn the heating on, make sure you’re keeping doors closed to rooms you aren’t using. You don’t want to waste money heating rooms you’re not in.
Reflect The Heat
If you use your radiator, cover a large piece of cardboard (from one of those Amazon purchases) with aluminium foil. Put this covered cardboard before the radiator and fasten it to your wall. This will reflect the heat into the room rather than losing it to the outside.
Open the Oven Doors
After you’ve used the oven, open the doors to release the heat into the kitchen. This is a way to cook dinner and heat your house on a budget! Please don’t do this if you have young children or nosy pets.
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The cold months have officially arrived.
We’ve been hearing about it for months now. This winter will be hard for millions of Britons and Bristolians. As energy prices reach record highs, many of us are looking for quick, simple ways to save some energy and in turn, save some money. However, some people might just be looking to improve their energy consumption to combat climate change.
Whatever bring you here, we have you covered.
With 100 years of combined experience selling, buying, and letting properties as your trusted Bristol estate agency, we have a few tips and tricks up our sleeve to help your family this winter.
Load Your Dishwasher Properly
This first one might not be for everyone, if you don’t have a dishwasher, scroll down to the next section. If you do have a dishwasher, using your dishwasher properly will reduce both your energy and your water consumption.
Many people are shocked to find out that dishwasher uses 10x less water than washing dishes by hand. But it’s true!
If your water is heated through electricity, it also is a better option than washing with hot water in the tap.
You can also run the dishwasher during off-peak times or use a dishwasher with a delay timer to run overnight.
To Kettle or Not To Kettle
Kettles have been high on the topic of discussion lately. Energy efficient kettles, should you even use a kettle, and what about a boiling water tap?
Kettles use a lot of energy, quickly. If you’re looking to reduce energy consumption, consider heating water up in a pan on the stovetop. While it will take longer, it will use less energy. If you have the budget to install a boiling water tap, we recommend doing this, as it will save costs in the long run.
Cook More Food, Less Often
Turning the oven on can be costly. So once it’s warmed up, keep using it!
Batch cooking is a great way to save energy, and meal prepping is a healthy way to ensure you’re getting all the nutrients throughout the busy week.
Keep Your Fridge Freezer Frost-free
Fridge freezers can be one of the most costly parts of your energy bill. But how do you keep it from working hard?
Keep your fridge compartment and freezer compartment clean and defrosted. If ice is building up, it will end up insulating the rest of the freezer. Your freezer will be working even harder, consuming more energy, to keep the compartment and your food frozen.
Throw It In the Microwave
Reheating food in the microwave is a much more cost-effective way than heating it in your oven. Since the microwave is smaller, there is less energy involved. Microwaves also heat the foot rather than the cooking compartment.
You can even get a Combi, a microwave, and an oven together. They’re incredibly energy efficient while getting the quick heat of the microwave and the crispy benefits of roasting.
Dry Clothes Outside
There is nothing better than warm, freshly dried sheets, towels, and clothing. But you’ll save a lot of money drying your clothes the good ole fashioned way out on the line. Or if you don’t have the space outside, or you have the lovely British winter weather, then dry them inside with a dehumidifier.
A dehumidifier will always ensure your house isn’t damp and stays dry.
Consider Energy Efficiency When Buying New Appliances
If you’re in the market for a new appliance, look at the energy rating. Buy energy efficient to start with! The appliances might cost more today, but over the next decade, they will deliver savings.